
Xinghai Zhou shares his experience

My Job Hunting Journey with Terminal 1
Xinghai Zhou shares

As a fresh graduate I was suprised when Terminal 1 took initiative to ping me via Linkedin. Terminal 1 had in-depth converstaions with me to understand my career planning.

With their networking and knowledge of the promising companies in the industry, they recommended the tech team which best fits in my ideal career develpoment path for me to apply for. It just greatly saved my energy from researching through hundereds of companies hiring on the Interenet, and provided indeed up-to-date infomation of the company in addition to what I could found online.


Help with applying

With Terminal 1 I was able to make sure that I submit the application to a company that I knew and I like. I had conversations with their professional recruiters and experienced engineers, whom also gave me insighful advice at how I could well demonstrate my potentials in a clear and precise manner.


The coding challenge

Terminal 1’s coding challenge took you some time and effort. But they also respect your effort by carefully reviewing your code and provided a comprehensive quality report. 


Guided me throughout

Throughout the whole application and screening process of the applied company, Terminal 1 kept me posted with any progress update. Now I am onboard in the team I like very much. If you are looking for a new stage for your career, not just a job, Terminal 1 defenitely helps!!   
